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Project entitled "Digital Civic Participation v2.0" is implemented as part of the European CERV program. The initiator of the project is the Irtea organization in Greece, which invited the following cities to participate: Starachowice (Poland), Cinisello (Italy), Klaipeda City (Lithuania) and Pont (Romania). The target group of the project are young people and students aged 15-30, as well as employees of the commune who are interested in using e-participation tools. The priority of the project is to consider how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the life of the local society. The pandemic crisis showed how society was not prepared for such enormous changes. It was crucial that authorities used new digitization tools to enable citizens to be actively involved in local affairs. DCP2 v2.0 wants to look at the relationship between the use of digital participation tools and democracy. One of the main goals of the project is to modernize civic education, which will result in greater activity of young people in social life. The project will culminate in the development of a handbook on the tools and methods of using e-participation and its positive and negative effects.

Objectives of the project:

-   analyzing and monitoring the existing methods and tools used for e-participation,

-   training and education of young people and municipal employees on the use of tools and concepts of e-participation and e-democracy,

-   sharing good practices regarding the use of digital participation tools in individual European cities,

-   identifying local problems and joint search for solutions,

-   increasing the level of participation of EU citizens through digitization solutions.

Project partners

Municipality of Starachowice (Poland)

Municipality of Cinisello (Italy)

City of Klaipeda (Lithuania)

Pont (Romania)


The project is 100% financed by the CERV Program.

Modelowa Rewitalizacja Miast

Rozpoczęliśmy jedno z najważniejszych przedsięwzięć dla Starachowic, które będzie realizowane w ciągu najbliższych kilku lat - REWITALIZACJA miasta. Przed nami duże wyzwania, ogromne możliwości i szansa na zmianę przestrzeni miejskiej.

Drodzy Mieszkańcy, zapraszamy Was do tworzenia tej przestrzeni. Wspólnie możemy sprawić, że poprawią się warunki codziennego życia, estetyka miasta,... że będziemy mieszkać w lepszym miejscu.

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